Need To Refinance Your Home? Need Cash Now? Creative Financing Solutions Due To a Foreclosure Issue? Or Any Other Issue Such As Getting A Top Dollar Sale For Your Property?? We Are Your One Stop Solution.
PrivateLenderTeam Will Do Our Upmost To Help You Solve Your Property Issues With More Fair & Beneficial Options To You Than Any Other Lender.
Get A Fair Loan Offer Within 48 Hours.

Do you have a bank mortgage, private mortgage note, real estate note, private promissory note, or trust deed anywhere in the USA and Canada and are looking to refinance some or all of your payments to ease financial strain, such as a pre-foreclosure or foreclosure situation? If so, we can help.
We understand that there are many reasons you may want to refinance. That’s why we take the time to listen to your specific needs and create a customized, actionable plan to help you get out of debt.
We represent a dedicated team of private investors who specialize in lending & creative financing solutions for individuals in situations just like yours. Unlike banks, where you’re just another number, our private lenders are real people with both resources and a genuine willingness to help, providing the solutions you need.
If necessary, our team can explore various creative financing solutions to ensure you receive the best possible outcome for your current financial situation.
Everything you are dealing with right now—the waiting, stress, hassle of getting your home refinanced, ALL OF IT—could be OVER by this time next week (see how below).
…private mortgage lenders are the quickest way to refinance for cash & other creative finance options. The amount they lend is based on the principal balance, the number of payments that have been made (referred to as “seasoning”), the number of remaining payments, the home’s (or other assets) appraised value, and not the borrower’s/your creditworthiness.”

What Types Of Private Loans Can Our Private Lenders Fund Quickly?
Are you asking, “How can I refinance my home or get needed cash when I fell behind with my current lender“ — we represent a true source of hassle-free FL Private Lenders in this area that specializes in local (especially “ugly” non-performing mortgages). They’ll’ help you even if you have a…
- Undervalued Property That Has Great Difficulty Getting Financing/Mortgaging.
- Mortgages That Have Incurred Many A Late Payments And Is Facing Foreclosure.
- Unable To Find A Lender That Is Willing To Work With You…Period~!
No Worries! Our network of private lenders offers a comprehensive range of creative financing solutions designed to address all your home financial challenges.

For all types of mortgages, loans & creative financing strategies… just submit your info to us through the form on this page. We’ll evaluate your info and our network of private lenders will get you a guaranteed solution within 48 hours.
Still, have questions? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions Page →

Avoid the hassle of calling mortgage brokers & waiting days to call you back and weeks to asses your situation. The benefits of our Professional Private Lending Service is second to none.
How Does The Process To Refinance/Get A Private Mortgage/Discuss Creative Financing Solutions Work?
It’s Actually Really Simple & Straightforward…
You’re on this website because you need to find the best solution sooner than later, right?
It’s easier than you think – and we can help.
Our solution based results here at PrivateLenderTeam is really pretty straightforward.
Step 1: Submit your home info on this website or give us a call at 813-438-9603 and let us know a bit about your homes specifics (market value, total debt owing).
Step 2: We’ll look at the situation and come up with several options that you can choose from.
Step 3: You can have a new mortgage within 7 days (sometimes quicker if you need it) or many other solution alternatives. We handle everything with the private lender from start to finish to make the process easy and smooth for you.
It’s That Simple.
Get ALL Your Issue Made Into A Solution By Tomorrow.
Have The Best Outcome Within 7 Days.
We’ll Help You Weigh All Of Your Options, Solving Your Needs Required. We Are The Total Solution Experts… So Let’s Chat! Get Started Below.
Or Give Us A Call Now At 813-438-9603